?SdnaH ruoY nO emiT hcuM ooT

A couple days ago, I saw this video on Youtube and was completely stunned by the skill of this girl.  She can repeat any word or string of words backwards almost instantly!  I wonder if this is a taught skill or if it is some sort of ability that she developed without any practice.  Either way, it is incredibly cool to listen to.  This got me thinking that if it is in fact a taught skill, then how would one go about teaching this skill to themselves or others?  I’m sure that in this particular case it would be self taught, but some skills, such as counting in binary code for instance, are skills that can be taught from an outside source.  However, as teachers, we may want to discover some of the hidden talents of our students and encourage them.  After all, if a student does something that they are REALLY good at, the best thing to do is to encourage them to keep doing it, and that will only boost their self-esteem!  Anyways, take a look at the video and tell me what you think below!