Filmmaking and Your Favourite Movie!

So tomorrow I have a midterm exam for my Film 100 class and have been studying all day, looking at lighting, design, cameras, and all other aspects of filmmaking that go into creating a feature-film.  I’d have to say one of my favourite scene’s in a movie is in Saving Private Ryan (1998) when the character of George C. Marshall reads Abraham Lincoln’s letter addressed to one Mrs. Bixby to some of his staff. The letter, which had been sent to Mrs. Bixby many years previously, was telling her that all five of her sons were killed on the field of battle in the war.  Halfway through reading the letter, he places the letter on his desk and looks directly at his staff, continuing to read the letter and proving its importance to him and their situation.Just for fun, I want to know what your favourite film is and why?  Do you love it for it’s story, its cinematography and how the film looks on screen, its special effects, or its emotional value?  Maybe there is a specific scene that you just appreciate.  It does not matter. GO!